Tifereth Israel Congregation
145 Brownell Ave.
New Bedford, MA 02740
(508) 997-3171
The Rabbi's and Cantor's Virtual Classes to Begin!
Rabbi Kanter's Monday Class Starts on
October 19 @ 11:00 am
Cantor Schudrich's Thursday Class
Starts on
October 15 @ 11:00 am
Rabbi's Class Fall and Winter
Martin Buber (1878-1965) was a Jewish Philospher, scholar, interpreter, and translator of Hasidic lore. He viewed Hasidism as a source of cultural renewal for Judaism, frequently citing examples from the Hasidic tradition that emphasized community, interpersonal life, and meaning in common activities (e. g., a worker's relation to his tools).
The Hasidic ideal, according to Buber, emphasized a life lived in the unconditional presence of God, where there is no distinct separation between daily habits and religious experience. This was a major influence on Buber's philosophy of anthropology, which considered the basis of human existence as dialogical.

We are going to read his book, "The Ten Rungs", which uses Hasidic teachings to uncover the mystical element within. He explores topics such as Good and Evil, Pride and Humility, the relationship between Heaven and Earth. We will use his text as a jumping off point for a discussion of our own personal searches for spirituality in our own lives and what his teachings evoke in us. I hope you will venture with us into uncharted territories as we take this journey into the writing of Martin Buber.

Please note, the book, The Ten Rungs by Martin Buber can be picked up at the synagogue next week during office hours. They will be on the table by the Back Door Entrance. Or you can purchase a copy through Amazon.
Cantor's Class
This year I would like to explore with you the beautiful rhythm of the Jewish Calendar. Together, we will look at the flow of the Jewish year - major holidays, minor holidays, fast days, modern holidays - and the structure of the calendar itself.

Here are some of the topics we will study:
  • Why we have a lunar/solar calendar and add a leap month every 2-3 years.
  • The historical and agricultural connections between the three major pilgrimage festivals.
  • What makes a holiday major or minor.
  • Why do some Rabbis say that Purim will be the only remaining holiday after the time of the Messiah.

I look forward to delving into these topics with you. See you soon on Zoom!
Tifereth Israel Congregation 145 Brownell Ave. New Bedford, MA 02740
(508) 997-3171