Minyan Breakfast Club
TiferethIsrael's Minyan Breakfast Club meets Monday through Friday, with services starting at 7:15am, followed by a full breakfast for all who attend. Minyan services are lay led with a group of congregants who rotate service leadership each day. Our morning minyan is open to all Jews and visitors.
Tifereth Israel also offers a daily evening minyan beginning at 5:45pm, Monday through Thursday. Friday evenings are 5:45pm, except for the once a month later service. Shabbat Services begin at 9:30am and Saturday evening Mincha/Maariv/Havdalah begins at sunset. Sunday services are 9:00am and 5:45pm.
Click here for Minyan Services Schedule.
United Synagogue Youth — USY
United Synagogue Youth offers our children, beginning in grade 5 and continuing through high school, the opportunity to come together socially to celebrate being Jewish. The USY'ers participate in both local and regional activities. Local activities include Lounges and the annual Purim Carnival. On a regional basis, our children participate in activities with fellow USY'ers from other congregations across New England, including dances and other social events and Shabbaton weekends.
Here are a few pictures from the "pre-dinner" before the USY semi formal.
When you join TI Sisterhood (Women’s League), you are actively supporting our synagogue and our Jewish community. It is a proud tradition of more than 70 years that is crucial to our survival in these uncertain times. Our members have worked hard to keep our Jewish community flourishing by building on Jewish rituals, values and customs. Plus, our friendships strengthen our community and our connections to Judaism. As the voice of Conservative Jewish women, Women’s League perpetuates Conservative/Masorti Judaism in our homes, synagogues and in communities around the world.
What does TI Sisterhood do?
How has Sisterhood supported TI financially?
Women’s League (national) has set dues to $36 with a special rate of $25 for members over 75 years of age. Lifetime member dues are $15 per capita, which all goes to Women’s League.
Thank you for your support and interest in sustaining TI Sisterhood, its worthwhile programs, and upholding this proud tradition! We welcome participation and new ideas!
For more information, contact Marsha Onufrak.
Photos from a recent "Cinema Sunday" event
sponsored by the Sisterhood